So I just got done workin out, after work and I sat my ass down on my couch craving something, but i just didnt know what i wanted! All of sudden it came to me... NACHOS, that was gonna be the meal of the night, so i approached mother horner and nicely asked her if she could whip up a batch, then she asked "did you have a manwich tonite?" then it hit me like a train goin full speed down the okanogan river railroad tracks! why not put that manwich meat on them nachos! all ya gotta do it pop them bastards in the oven, and your choice of hot sauce (i know you guys have some sorta of special hot sauce back east) but for me it was tapatio! enjoy
week 7/52...
11 years ago
these are BRILLANT, i love it. i just hope your head didn't get too many cuts on it after that lighbulb burst above your head. keep 'em coming kid.
disgusting. awesome. disgusting. awesome. i can't decide.
Fellow taste-machiners, I have, upon numerous occasions, witnessed the "cravings" that baby Horner has expressed here, and wish to assure you all that the bear has been sedated. All is safe in the Okanogan Valley for at least one more evening. On another note, I've known these cravings to have been regularly sedated many times over with a simple dethawed meal of, for example, a double order o'toaster streudels paired with a Tombstone delight. It's nice to see him up the ante a bit... putting a bit more effort into his feeding frenzies lately, he really outdid himself on this doozie. Goddamned... if that heap-o-tastiness didn't up the delish-is-ness threshold of mama horner's old pizza sheet, I don't know what will. That warped sheet's been dragged over the coals a few times, hasn't it? Nice work, tiny brother, nice work.
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